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Macaé Airport is a public airport located in Macaé, Rio de Janeiro. Besides airplanes, there is a huge demand for helicopter flights to oil rigs in Campos Basin.

Address: Ildebrando Alves Barbosa Road - Aeroporto - Macaé, RJ
Code: MEA
Phone: (22) 2762-0950


Macaé Airport Administration begun in 1981, under the coordination of ARSA (Aeroportos do Rio de Janeiro S/A). In 1987, ARSA was absorbed by INFRAERO (Empresa Brasileira de Infraestrutura Aeroportuária).

The airport infrastructure was not projected to attend large and medium-sized commercial flights. The idea was that the airport would serve the demand of helicopters and little airplanes, connecting Macaé to Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro and Vitória.

Nowadays, the airport infrastructure is not enough to supply the demand of passengers. For this reason, Infraero developed a project and gathered resources to the facility expansion, which will be located, mainly, in an area donated by the City Government. Federal Government will provide about R$ 70 million to the airport complex at the first stage, which will change and update operations, security and air navigation structures.

A new passenger terminal and a new parking lot will be built, the aircraft yard will be expanded, the administrative section will be improved, such as the landing strip, which will enable medium-size aircrafts in the airport. Therefore, the airport will connect Macaé to other Brazilian cities and be more comfortable and safe for passengers and crew.